The Norwegian guidelines for the prehospital management of adult trauma patients with potential spinal injury.
Kornhall DK, Jørgensen JJ, Brommeland T, Hyldmo PK, Asbjørnsen H, Dolven T, Hansen T, Jeppesen E. | Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2017 Jan 5;25(1):2
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Keywords: Airway management; Guideline; Prehospital emergency care; Spinal cord injury; Stabilisation
Editorial : The traditional prehospital management of trauma victims with potential spinal injury has become increasingly questioned as authors and clinicians have raised concerns about over-triage and harm. In order to address these concerns, the Norwegian National Competence Service for Traumatology commissioned a faculty to provide a national guideline for pre-hospital spinal stabilisation. This work is based on a systematic review of available literature and a standardised consensus process. The faculty recommends a selective approach to spinal stabilisation as well as the implementation of triaging tools based on clinical findings. A strategy of minimal handling should be observed.
Conclusion : This guideline, based on consensus and the best avail- able evidence, is an attempt to address concerns about over-triage, harms and costs associated with the trad- itional management of potential spinal injury. The fac- ulty found no reason to abandon the current doctrine of spinal immobilisation in patients with potential spinal injury. We do, however, recommend implementing pre- hospital triaging tools as well as maintaining a selective approach to the use of the various stabilisation devices.
Conclusion (proposition de traduction) : Cette recommandation, basée sur un consensus et les meilleures preuves disponibles, tente de répondre aux préoccupations concernant le tri excessif, les préjudices et les coûts associés à la gestion traditionnelle d'une blessure potentielle à la colonne vertébrale. La faculté n'a trouvé aucune raison d'abandonner la doctrine actuelle de l'immobilisation de la colonne vertébrale chez les patients présentant un risque de blessure à la colonne vertébrale. Nous recommandons toutefois de mettre en place des outils de tri préhospitaliers et de maintenir une approche sélective dans l’utilisation des divers dispositifs de stabilisation.
Commentaire : Le collier cervical et la planche n'assurent pas une immobilisation efficace. Le matelas-coquille semble mieux marcher et être plus physiologique en respectant la position naturelle et les positions de confort des patients.
Voir l'article L’immobilisation en préhospitalier : il est temps de tout changer proposé par Rhazelovitch / 18 novembre 2017.